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Ferti-buy Co. Ltd

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edta fe/mn/zn/cu
edta fe/mn/zn/cu
Specification: 25kg/bag
Detail: EDTA chlelated Fe/ Cu/Mn/Zn the main function is to correct the lack of microelements in the plant Reach us:ruth.w1123@gmail.com or www.ferti-buy.com.

amino acid fertilizer
amino acid fertilizer
Specification: 25kg/bag
Detail: Amino Acid:correct nutrients deficiiencies Amino Acid:make crops lush Amino Acid: Help mirconutrients absorption and transportation Amino Acid: 30%,40%,50%,80% and amno acid chelated Fe. Cu, Mn,Zn.Reach us:ruth.w1123@gmail....

humic acid fertilizer
humic acid fertilizer
Specification: 25kg/bag
Detail: Humic Acid:increase the utilization efficiency of K,P and other mineral fertilizer in soil. Humic Acid::promote the soil structure, increase the capacities of water holding Humic Acid:95%,90%,70% and chelated Fe Zn Mn Cu. Re...

seaweed extract fertilzier
seaweed extract fertilzier
Specification: 25kg/bag
Detail: Seaweed extract: natural organic fertilizer Seaweed extract: rich alginic acid stimulates activities of soil micro-organisams Seaweed extract:has 4 PGRs, enhance yeilds abviously. Reach us:ruth.w1123@gmail.com or www.ferti-b...
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